What to Expect
1. What is the Sunday service like?
2. What will happen when I visit for the first time?
If you are visiting for the first time, we will do all we can to make you feel comfortable and welcome. We will not embarrass you by asking visitors to stand up, or harass you for your details. We know that many people want to check out the church and ‘be anonymous’ for a while—and that’s fine with us! Come and experience Connect Church, and see if this is the church for you.
3. What do people wear to attend your church?
You will find people wearing everything from casual clothes to business wear at our Sunday service. We want you to come dressed in clothes which you feel comfortable wearing.
4. What can my children do at church?
At Connect Church, your children are a top priority to us. We offer a children’s ministry for children aged from 3 to 12 years called Connect Kids. The program operates during the second half of the service, and takes place in a clean and safe meeting room run by enthusiastic team members who all have current blue cards to work with children. A playpen with toys and reserved seating is located at the rear of the church for families with toddlers and young children to use during the service.
5. How can I meet other people?
There are many ways to get connected with other people. We organise regular events like Welcome Lunches, Connect Men and Connect Women events, Connect Seniors and Connect Youth, Brekky Before Church and other activities that encourage both social and spiritual growth with others. Connect Groups are another excellent way to connect with others in the church. These groups are held fortnightly throughout the year, and are a great way to form friendships with others whilst growing together in your faith journey.
6. How can I be discipled and grow?
Our desire is to see you become a fully-devoted follower of Christ. The majority of our discipleship happens during our Sunday morning service and during our fortnightly Connect Groups. There are also opportunities for people to meet with you individually to disciple and mentor you in your Christian faith.
7. Why does your church have Connect Groups?
Connect Groups are an important part of Connect Church. In fact, you haven’t fully experienced the church until you’ve experienced our life groups. Connect Groups are smaller gatherings of between 5 and 10 people that allow you to meet other church members and develop relationships that will spur you on in your walk with God.